When it comes to mental health, most of us think about brain chemistry, neurotransmitters, or perhaps stress levels. But did you know that the state of your digestive system can also significantly impact your mood and mental well-being? This connection between the gut and the brain, often referred to as the “gut-brain axis,” plays a […]
MTHFR: The MTHFR gene (Methylene-TetraHydroFolate Reductase) provides instructions for making an enzyme that is involved in processing amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, and converting the amino acid homocysteine to another amino acid, methionine. This process requires a B-vitamin called folate (also known as vitamin B9), which is obtained through the diet or […]
Genetic Testing: Your Roadmap to Heath And Preventing Disease
Genetic testing through companies such as 23andme.com or Ancestry.com can provide useful information on understanding potential areas of weakness and disease susceptibility. The raw data obtained from these tests can be overwhelming because we are provided with a blueprint of our DNA, and with that, a look into the specific gene expression that can cause […]
The Bucket Theory: Cellular Health and Detoxification
During my online and in office consultations with patients that have chronic health issues, I will review their lab and genetic testing and discuss the bucket theory and its impact on cellular health, inflammation and detoxification. The bucket theory simply stated is that we were all born with a certain size bucket. Our genetics in […]
Improving Neuropathy With Functional Medicine and Genetics
The current approach for the treatment of neuropathy has not been very successful. There are millions of people that suffer with this condition all across this country. There are several reasons for this failure in part because there are so many causes of neuropathy and in part because the treatment is not directed towards the […]
Alzheimer’s Genetic Testing: Strategies To Control Your Destiny
How can we protect the aging brain and implement effective strategies to recover and improve brain health? Have you noticed more fatigue when reading, driving or working? Have you become more sensitive to bright lights or loud noise? Has your balance, memory or focus begun to change? These can all be important because prior to […]