Otoliths are among the most powerful sensory receptors in the brain for certain types of information, particularly regarding gravity and linear acceleration, but whether they are the “most powerful” overall depends on the context and the sensory system being considered. Why Otoliths Are Powerful: Direct Connection to Primitive Brain Centers: The vestibular system, including the […]
chronic disease
Functional Medicine – What is it?
Functional Medicine is the 21st century approach to evaluating and treating patients. It is based upon treating individuals for imbalances that can occur due to inflammation, hormones, detoxification, digestion, toxicity, or emotions, rather than treating them for isolated diseases. It is not about labels, but rather identifying the underlying causes of the dysfunction and not […]
Gut Health
Conditions like Leaky Gut, SIBO, H. Pylori, Hypochlorhydria or lack of digestive enzymes or bile salts can stimulate food sensitivities and autoimmunities. Gut health needs to be addressed to help heal the body and restore proper function. In part because 70% of the immune system resides in the gut. What is Leaky Gut? The gut […]
Why Functional Medicine
WHY FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE? Functional Medicine is healthcare of the 21st century! Hello, my name is Dr. Michael Veselak, and today we’re going to talk about functional medicine and why it is important to utilize functional medicine in treating these chronic, degenerative conditions such as neuropathy, fibromyalgia and even Alzheimer’s. To give you a little bit […]
Functional Medicine vs. Traditional Medicine
Functional Medicine is a cutting edge approach that better addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. Its main objective is to find the underlying cause and restore function to the body. Traditional Medicine is excellent at addressing the acute care needs but falls way short with chronic health issues. The whole body approach is […]
Chronic Pain: A Functional Medicine and Functional Neurology Approach
Chronic Pain is an epidemic in America with over 100 million people suffering. By definition chronic pain is pain lasting longer than three months. Many chronic pain sufferers have been failed by our healthcare system for various reasons. Without a doubt our healthcare is the best in the world for acute care, however once the […]