Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that that affects sleep, memory, mood and an increase in sensitivity to pain. Our approach with the Fibromyalgia patient is to address it from a structural, metabolic and neurological standpoint. If one of these is not properly evaluated the success of treatment diminishes. It is also important to look for the root cause of the problem. The cause is slightly different for everyone. In part this is what makes treatment so difficult. Most patients are given the diagnoses and are all treated the same. The whole body approach is the only way to achieve short and long-term results.
- Pain and tender points
- Chronic Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Brain Fog or “Fibro Fog”
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Headaches
- Lack of Motivation
- Autoimmunity
- Bacterial
- Viral
- Parasite
- Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Genetic Predisposition (MTHFR, CYP, GSTM)
- Stress
Proper Testing:
To identify the cause is important because it allows us to then develop a treatment plan designed to eliminate the cause and improve the symptoms. Testing through Cyrex Labs, GI Map; Heavy Metal Testing, Organic Acids, Adrenal Tests are a few of the tests we will determine if they are necessary to run.
As I mentioned a whole body approach is necessary when treating Fibromyalgia. We have discovered that certain areas of the body must be addressed. The Doctor must thoroughly address the mitochondria, liver, adrenals and brain. This is done with dietary and lifestyle recommendations. Occasionally we will recommend Neurofeedback to help the brain communicate more effectively and inhibit the pain signals. We also use in our office modalities such as Micro -current, cold laser therapy, Vagus Nerve Stimulation which have all had a profound impact on the healing of the nervous system.