Functional Medicine is the 21st century approach to evaluating and treating patients. It is based upon treating individuals for imbalances that can occur due to inflammation, hormones, detoxification, digestion, toxicity, or emotions, rather than treating them for isolated diseases.
It is not about labels, but rather identifying the underlying causes of the dysfunction and not utilizing natural solutions to assist the patient with their health challenges.
Everyday we see more and more patients with chronic issues. The reason is our current model is excellent for acute care but lacks significantly in the management of chronic care. We rely too much on the single bullet or one medicine approach to help all conditions, which often times neglects the actual causes that have created the symptoms.
For years, we were taught that genetics was the reason. However, the Human Genome Project clearly stated that lifestyle and diet were the two most important factors in causing genes to express themselves. More importantly, through diet and lifestyle we have the ability to silence or turn off these genes.
In our office, we focus on restoring the body’s natural ability to restore optimal health. Sometimes it takes supporting the body with supplements or good nutrition to achieve this state. Other times, it requires the removal of something to allow the body to return to its normal physiology.
The first and most important step is a thorough history. This will provide clues to identify the significant imbalances. Second, a comprehensive exam is required to further identify more insight and provide a working diagnosis.
Finally, our office uses advanced lab testing. This testing is cutting edge technology to allow us to properly and accurately determine the system or imbalance that has impaired the physiological balance.
Lab tests such as genetics, organic acids, heavy metal toxicity, cyrex tests for leaky gut or autoimmune issues, kryptopyrroles and SIBO.
Once the underlying cause is established, the treatment becomes more effective and the patients symptoms begin to diminish in severity with an increase in overall health and vitality.
Everyday we hear how the solutions we provided has changed our patients lives.
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