Functional Medicine is a cutting edge approach that better addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. Its main objective is to find the underlying cause and restore function to the body.
Traditional Medicine is excellent at addressing the acute care needs but falls way short with chronic health issues. The whole body approach is necessary with chronic health illnesses. It must also incorporate diet and lifestyle issues necessary to significantly impact the patients health.
Proper testing is necessary to discover the cause. Most of our patients have shared their frustration that the labs they have taken have come back normal, but they still don’t feel well. We recommend specific labs like Cyrex, Dutch Hormone, GI MAP, Heavy Metal or Chemical Toxicity testing to help us achieve our treatment goals.
We also incorporate DNA testing so we can personalize the treatment and care to the individuals specific blueprint.
This is why we get results with patient’s suffering from chronic health issues.
We are accustomed to consulting with patients all over the world utilizing telemedicine. Call for a consultation 805 482-0723.
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