The Goal Of Functional Medicine Is To Discover The Cause: Proper Testing Is Essential
Labs We Recommend
Cyrex Labs:
They are currently performing the most advanced testing when it comes to food sensitivities, gut and brain barrier permeability, gluten sensitivities and immune panels.
When necessary we will recommend panels to help us discover the root cause.
- Cyrex Array 2: Intestinal Permeability Screen
- Cyrex Array 3: Wheat and Gluten Proteome Autoimmune Reactivity
- Cyrex Array 4: Cross Reactive Foods With Gluten
- Cyrex Array 5: Multiple Autoimmune Panel
- Cyrex Array 7: Neurological Autoimmune Reactivity Panel
- Cyrex Array 8: Joint Autoimmune ReactivityPanel
- Cyrex Array 10: Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Panel
- Cyrex Array 11: Chemical Immune Reactivity Panel
- Cyrex Array 12: Pathogen Associated Reactivity Panel
- Cyrex Array 20: Blood Brain Barrier Permeability
- Cyrex Array 22: Irritable Bowel/SIBO Screen
GI MAP: Stool Sample
Address the root cause of bloating, gas, abdonimal pain with the GI MAP test. The test is comprehensive looking for parasites, pathogens, bacterial, viral issues along with SIgA, and digestive enzymes.
Almost every patient can benefit from a GI-MAP gut health assessment. Some patients are looking to achieve optimal health, while other patients have been chronically ill and frustrated without a diagnosis for years.
Some conditions that warrant testing are:
- Autoimmune diseases
- Digestive complaints, diarrhea or constipation
- Brain fog
- Skin problems, like acne and psoriasis
- Mood disorders, depression, and anxiety
- Diabetes and weight loss issues
Along with the methylation pathway testing we need to address the body with regards to other factors that contributed to these genes expressing themselves. Diet and Lifestyle as we all know are the major contributing factors for better health.
Organic Acids Test
The Organic Acids Test (OAT) provides an accurate evaluation of Energy Production, Detoxification, GI Dysbiosis, Neurotransmitters, Methylation and Oxidative Stress. It has simply become my favorite test especially when correlated with the genetic data from The test is a simple urine test which is not very expensive and it provides so much useful information.
If abnormalities are detected using the OAT, treatments can include supplements, such as vitamins and antioxidants, or dietary modification. Upon treatment, patients and practitioners have reported significant improvement such as decreased fatigue, regular bowel function, increased energy and alertness, increased concentration, improved verbal skills, less hyperactivity, and decreased abdominal pain. The OAT is strongly recommended as the initial screening test.
Specimen Requirements:
10 mL of first morning urine before food or drink is suggested. Patient should avoid apples, grapes (including raisins), pears, cranberries and their juices 24 hours prior to specimen collection.
DNA Testing:
DNA testing allows us to look at your unique blueprint and help personalize your particular roadmap back to health. In particular we look at methylation, MTHFR, Neurotransmitter Production, Energy, Sleep, Inflammation and Detoxification. Our focus is on diet and lifestyle recommendations to inhibit gene expression.
Dr. Veselak has consulted with patients from all over the world on DNA methylation. It is a piece of the puzzle that should not be ignored.
Dutch Hormone Test
The DUTCH test, which uses dried urine, is the simplest, most elegant and informative test for anyone suspecting they have a hormone problem.
The test is done four times in a day, and the strips are then used to give you a complete hormone panel, including estrogen, testosterone and progesterone metabolites. The test also addresses cortisol and melatonin and organic acids. It is the most complete and informative test to analyze hormones.
Lab Panels
- Complete Metabolic Panel
- Complete Thyroid Panel
- Inflammatory Markers
- Complement Proteins
- Vitamin Markers
- Diabetes Markers
These Causative Factors Need to be Addressed Dependent on Symptoms
- Environmental Factors: Mold
- Toxicity (Heavy Metal, Chemical)
- Bacterial
- Viral
- Fungal
- Hormones
- Digestive Health
- Detoxification
- Elimination
We have kits in our office that we will provide you with information to discover the CAUSE!