During my online and in office consultations with patients that have chronic health issues, I will review their lab and genetic testing and discuss the bucket theory and its impact on cellular health, inflammation and detoxification. The bucket theory simply stated is that we were all born with a certain size bucket. Our genetics in […]
chronic fatigue
The Mitochondria: How To Restore Energy
The mitochondria is the power house of the cell. It produces ATP or the energy of the cell. Simply stated when we eat food, carbohydrates, proteins and fats we convert this to energy. For several reasons including poor diet, exposure to toxins, chemicals, viruses, bacteria, parasites this can create an overload of oxidative stress on […]
Leaky Gut: The Impact On Chronic Disease
Leaky Gut: The Impact on Chronic Disease Intestinal hyper-permeability or leaky gut, is a condition in which macromolecules leak either between the cells or tight junctions or through cells that line the gut called enterocytes. This can lead to systemic inflammation and can lead to many chronic diseases. The most common endotoxin is […]
Antibiotics such as Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox are a group of antibiotics called Floroquinolones. They are among the most commonly prescribed antibiotics in the United States. With this class of antibiotics there are great risks that can come from taking these so make sure that when prescribed these that your condition is a serious one and […]
Controlling Insulin: Diabetes and other Chronic Diseases
Heart disease, stroke, thyroid, diabetes, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s – these chronic diseases are the most common and costly health problems in the United States. What’s worse, is these chronic issues are largely lifestyle diseases, meaning they are often influenced by our style of living, such as diet and exercise. More importantly, these chronic issues can […]