Genetic testing through companies such as can provide useful information on understanding potential areas of weakness and disease susceptibility.
The raw data obtained from these tests can be overwhelming because we are provided with a blueprint of our DNA, and with that, a look into the specific gene expression that can cause various symptoms or diseases.
The human genome project concluded that 90% of genetic expression is regulated by epigenetic factors. Simply put, our diet and lifestyle has a profound effect on the expression of these various conditions and illnesses. However, with this understanding, we can restore normal gene function by simple and specific lifestyle changes.
During an evaluation, Dr. Michael Veselak uses this type of genetic testing as a road map, allowing him to analyze a patients underlying strengths or vulnerabilities. Most importantly, this genetic data helps Dr. Veselak to provide a very specific individualized plan for the patient to ultimately help them achieve optimum health.
Have you ever wondered why certain people do fantastic on certain medications and others fail miserably? Much of it has to do with the ways in which their DNA is organized. Medicine does not work in a one-size-fits-all mentality. Some drugs may interact in a potentially harmful manner, while others can be the solution to a chronic condition. This distinction can be made using your genetic data.
DNA actually repairs itself daily but sometimes due to nutritional deficiencies, chemical or toxic elements there can be an error in the transcription.
When reviewing your DNA, Dr. Veselak can analyze certain single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPS). There has been much research and scientific literature about some of these like the MTHFR gene.
Mutations of this SNP can affect many different conditions in the body including energy, detoxification and neurotransmitter production.
The MTHFR gene is also heavily linked to the thyroid gland, as 99% of people with thyroid dysfunction have a MTHFR mutation.
It is well known that certain chemicals, radiation and heavy metals can cause these genetic mutations. What most people are not aware of, however, is that Epigenetics can control gene expression. This is strongly influenced by diet, nutrition and toxicity.
If you are interested in your genetic roadmap and want to develop a personalized plan for health, contact our office and we will be happy to discuss this with you.
We are accustomed to seeing distance patients, so email us at [email protected] and we will tell you how to get started.
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