Heavy Metal Toxicity
Heavy metal toxicity is an excessive build-up of metals in the body. Oftentimes, the vague symptoms produced by heavy metal toxicity are mistakenly misdiagnosed as incurable chronic conditions (ie. autoimmune disorders, neurological disorders, peripheral neuropathy, chronic pain syndromes, etc.). Heavy metal toxicity has a direct affect on healing, tissue repair, growth, genes-RNA and DNA, hormones, brain and nerves, liver, lungs, GI, reproductive organs, heart, thyroid, kidney, adrenals, pancreas and body metabolism. Basically, heavy metal toxicity affects every bodily function. The most common heavy metals that humans are exposed to are aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury.
Heavy metals are found in everyday existence and are frequently hard to avoid entirely. Most people can excrete toxic heavy metals from the body successfully. However, some people especially those who suffer from chronic conditions cannot excrete them efficiently enough and a build-up occurs. Recent research also reveals that those who cannot excrete heavy metals efficiently appear to be genetically predisposed to this condition. Research has also shown that the APO-E 4/3 and 4/4 genotypes are the worst excretors of heavy metals. Those with this version of APO-E protein abundant in the cerebral spinal fluid surrounding the brain will have the highest affinity for becoming ill from exposure to neuro-toxic heavy metals, especially mercury when it is present in combination with others.
When numerous metals are present in the body, they have a synergistic toxicity. Dr. Boyd Haley, professor and chair of the chemistry department at the University of Kentucky, performed a study on rats and found that the mortality rate of rats exposed to a small dose of mercury or aluminum killed only 1 rat in 100. However, when the rats were exposed to both mercury and aluminum at the same time, all 100 rats died a 100% mortality rate.
In our office we believe that exposure to heavy metals and the bodies inability to remove these metals properly in a very important factor in chronic disease. Dr. Michael Veselak utilizes several methods to determine exposure and toxicity.
1. Hair Analysis
2. Urine and Urine Provocation Testing
3. FCT (Field Control Therapy)
- Any amount aluminum is too much!!
- Aluminum toxicity is associated with Alzheimer’S and Parkinson’s disease, behavioral/learning disorders such as ADD, ADHD and autism.
- High levels of aluminum have been found in the hair of delinquent, psychotic, and pre-psychotic boys and in juvenile offenders.
- Aluminum has neurotoxic effects at high levels, but low levels of accumulation may not elicit immediate symptoms.
- Early symptoms of aluminum burden may include fatigue, headache and other symptoms.
- Aluminum us a heavy metal that displaces your other good minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, zinc and phosphorus.
- Research has proven that fluoride and Fluoridation (in tap water) increases the absorption of aluminum.
- Alzheimer’s
- Parkinson’s
- Behavioral/learning disorders such as ADD, ADHD and autism
- Fatigue
- Headache
- anti-perspirants
- aluminum cookware
- antacids
- vaccines
- some baking sodas
- baking powder
- some breath mints
- some skin lotion
- some cosmetics
- aluminum foil
- canned goods
- emulsifiers in processed cheese
- table salt anti caking compound
- bleaching agent in white flour
- buffered aspirin
- some toothpaste
- dental fillings
- cigarette filters
- contaminated water
Ingestion of large amounts of soluble Arsenic compounds effect the myocardium, causing death within a few hours.
The current EPA standard for arsenic in public water systems is 10 ppb, reduced from 50ppb in 2006. The standard applies only to drinking water sources that serve more than 20 people.
Arsenic, Water, Cancer
- Even small amounts of arsenic might cause cells to lose some of their ability to repair genetic damage!
- The results help explain why arsenic contamination in drinking water can lead to certain cancers.
- Without the ability to repair its DNA, a cell could be vulnerable to damage from pollutants such as cigarette smoke.
- Dartmouth Medical School, International Journal of Cancer 4/2003
- bone marrow depression
- anemia
- skin discolorations
- neurological symptoms
- liver and kidney degeneration
- cancers
- agitation
- learning impairment
- confusion
- malaise
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- eczema
- muscle weakness
- hair loss
- stomach pain
- respiratory issues
- tobacco smoke
- metal smelting
- production of glass
- ceramics
- artificial colors
- insecticides
- fungicides
- herbicides
- drinking water
- wood treatments
- Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic, heavy metal with no positive metabolic function in the body and is relatively rare but more toxic than lead.
- Moderately high cadmium levels are consistent with hypertension, while very severe cadmium toxicity can cause hypotension.
- Cadmium absorption is reduced by zinc, calcium and selenium.
- Alkaline Phosphatase is commonly elevated with Cadmium toxicity.
- Cadmium toxicity is common among welders and construction workers (cement dust).
- Contamination may come from perms, dyes, bleach and some hair sprays, and can cause false highs for Cd.
- hypertension
- fatigue
- muscle and joint pain
- low back pain
- atherosclerosis
- affects the kidneys
- lungs
- testes
- arterial walls
- bones
- interferes with many enzymatic systems
- leads to anemia
- protein and glucose in urine
- depletes calcium, phosphorus and zinc
- refined foods (white flour, white  sugar, etc)
- acidic drinks
- super phosphate fertilizers
- some cola drinks
- tap water
- atmospheric pollution in the burning of coal and petroleum products
- margarine
- canned foods
- cigarette smoke
- FD&C colors and dyes
- common among welders and construction workers (cement dust)
- perms
- dyes
- bleach and some hair sprays
- Physiologically, the renal, nervous, reproductive, endocrine, immune and hemopoietic systems are affected.
- Sub-toxic oral exposure to lead and cadmium increases the susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections.
- Lead is known to damage the kidney, the liver and the reproductive system, as well as to interfere with bone marrow function, basic cellular processes and brain functions.
- It is known to be responsible for convulsions, abdominal pain, paralysis, temporary blindness, extreme pallor, loss of weight and appetite, constipation and numerous other problems.
- Lead causes nerve and mental problems, especially affecting learning ability in children.
- It was reported that the IQs if middle-class children dropped five to seven points after lead exposure, and Moon, et. al., demonstrated that lead levels also related to decreased visual and motor performance.
- Lead interferes with utilization of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and zinc.
- abdominal pain
- colics
- severe and repeated vomiting
- irritability
- hyperactivity
- anorexia
- loss of appetite
- mental disturbances
- anemia
- gastric distress
- fatigue
- weight loss
- headaches
- vertigo
- tremor
- joint pain
- poor coordination
- neuritis
- poor memory
- constipation
- interferes with calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and zinc
- lead based paints
- crystal
- ceramics
- canned food
- food crops
- artificial colors
- water contamination
- industrial pollution
- some fertilizers
- Its widespread presence in environmental pollution and its toxic effects on human health warrant its classification as toxic.
- High nickel tissue levels have been associated with myocardial infarction and are often present in patients who suffered strokes, dermatitis, chronic rhinitis, hypersensitivity reactions, hypersensitive the immune system, hyper-allergenic responses to many different substances, pulmonary inflammation (due to smoke and dust), liver necrosis and toxemia.
- It is well established to be nephrotoxic and carcinogenic.
- Early symptoms of toxicity include: apathy, diarrhea, dermatitis, dyspnea, fever, insomnia, tachypnea, vertigo, vomiting, headaches, gastrointestinal pain and eczema.
- Other symptoms: Allergies, immunosuppression, vitiligo.
- myocardial infarction
- strokes
- dermatitis
- chronic rhinitis
- hypersensitivity reactions
- autoimmune reactions
- liver necrosiS
- toxemia
Early Symptoms
- apathy
- diarrhea
- dermatitis
- dyspnea
- fever
- insomnia
- vertigo
- vomiting
- headaches
- gastrointestinal pain
- eczema
- vitiligo
- atmospheric pollution
- burning of coal and petroleum products
- FD&C colors and dyes
- cigarette smoking
- costume jewelry
- hydrogenated oils (margarine)
- orthodontic braces
- Toxicity: Silver is deposited in the skin and organs, causing gray discoloration.
- Silver occurs naturally in very low concentrations in soil, plants and animal tissues.
- also found in food that comes in silver-plated vessels, silver solder, silver foil (used in decorating cakes), jewelry, electronic equipment, dental fillings and photographic materials.
- Silver is found at hazardous waste sites and in water.
- Some water treatment systems including water filters use silver compounds to kill bacteria.
- Silver has been used extensively for medicinal purposed particularly in the treatment of burns.
Colloidal Silver
- There is much controversy over the long term safety of consumption of colloidal silver. Long term use of colloidal silver is NOT recommended!
- Very high intake of colloidal silver has been reported to give rise to tumors in the liver and spleen of laboratory animals.
- skin disorders
- organ system function
- deposited in the skin and organs and interferes with their function
- causes gray discoloration
- food in silver-plated vessels
- silver solder
- silver foil
- jewelry
- dental fillings
- water contamination
- used for medicinal purposes particularly in the treatment of burns
- intake of colloidal silver has been reported to give rise to tumors in the liver and spleen in laboratory animals.
- Organic Tin has appreciable toxicity.
- Experiments have shown that increased tin ingestion causes depressed growth and reduced hemoglobin levels and liver function in rats.
- Elevated tin resulted in elevated losses of calcium, selenium and zinc.
- depressed growth
- low hemoglobin
- decreased liver function
- skin, eye and GI irritation
- muscle weakness
- anemia
- testicular degeneration
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- abdominal cramps
- tightness of chest
- metallic taste
- tap water
- canned foods
- asparagus packed in glass
- dental fillings
- cosmetics
- preservatives
- pewter, bronze and anticorrosive plating
- Some people exhibit symptoms at 3-5 ppm
- On average a 1 ppm mercury was found to correlate with a 9% increase in acute myocardial infarction risk
- hyperactivity
- mental and emotional changes
- neuromuscular disorders (Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons)
- loss of appetite
- chronic fatigue
- depression
- poor memory
- emotional instability
- peripheral numbness
- sleep disturbances
- persistent infections like yeast
- large fish
- pesticide residue
- mercurial fungicides on grains
- coal burning
- FD&C colors and dyes
- paints
- pharmaceuticals
- manufacture of paper, pulp and plastic products
water contamination
What are the 2 most common sources for exposure to Mercury?
#1: Amalgams
- After dental amalgams are used, elevated hair mercury may be observed for 6 months to over a year.
- Find a dentist who is trained in the removal of mercury fillings.
- Don’t do all at once.
#2: Vaccines
- In the mid-1980s, one in 2,500 children had autism compared with 1 in about 300 children in 1996 an increase of over 800% in 20 years
- As the government has increased the number of mandatory vaccines, some recent studies suggest the rate of autism has had comparable increases
- Some say the cause may be mercury poisoning
The study found a 2 – 6 fold increased occurrence of neurodevelopment disorders after an additional 75 – 100 microgram dosage of mercury from thimerosal-containing vaccines as compared to thimerosal-free vaccines Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons / Spring 2003