Metabolic Syndrome affects nearly one third of all adults putting them at a greater risk for heart attack, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Individuals with metabolic syndrome generally live a sedentary lifestyle and have poor dietary habits.
What Is Metabolic Syndrome?
If an individual has 3 of these 5 risk factors they have metabolic syndrome
- High Blood Pressure: Systolic >130 and Diastolic > that 85
- Excess Fat Around The Waist: Men with a waist of 40 inches and women 35 inches
- High Blood Sugar: Fasting blood sugar > 100; HbA1c > 5.5
- High Triglycerides: Triglycerides above 150mg/dl
- Low high-density lipoprotein (HDL): Men <40mg/dl; women < 50mg/dl
Why Is It So Common?
There are several factors that can lead to Metabolic Syndrome.  To begin with we need to address the Standard American Diet. This is very high in high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, hidden sugars, refined carbohydrates, gluten and refined vegetable oils.
We also have to address all the environmental toxins that we are exposed to. These include BPA from plastics, pesticides, phthalates and heavy metals.
It has also been argued that our food is much less nutrient dense coupled with the amount of processed foods we consume creating deficiencies in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids.
Chronic stress whether is emotional, physical or environmental can lead to increase in cortisol levels which in the long term can cause blood sugar abnormalities as well as it can affect the permeability of the gut.
Ultimately this makes us more fatigued leading to a lifestyle that is more sedentary but eventually can impact normal sleep patterns.
What Happens When Our Cells Become Resistant To Insulin?
The main job of insulin is to deliver sugar to our cells to produce energy.  When insulin becomes elevated due to the dietary, environmental, physiological and psychological factors mentioned above the cells become resistant to insulin and glucose or the blood sugar elevates in our blood stream.
When insulin resistance occurs this will not only impair glucose metabolism and elevate blood sugar, which is extremely inflammatory to the body and brain but it will also affect blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglycerides and obesity. It can even lead to hormonal issues, PCOS, and liver disease.
What Are The Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome?
- Sugar Cravings, especially after meals
- Fatigue After Meals
- Frequent Urination
- Increased Thirst and Appetite
- Difficulty Losing Weight
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Neuropathy
- Vision Problems
- Abdominal Fat
What Can Be Done To Fix This?
 To begin with dietary changes have to be made. There are several diets like the Paleo or Ketogenic that can provide benefit to the individual that has metabolic syndrome.
Here are some general guidelines:
Eat More of:
- Organic dark leafy greens and a variety of colored vegetables
- Organic Eggs
- Organic Poultry
- Wild Caught Fish
- Unrefined, cold pressed olive and coconut oil
Eat less of :
- Limit grains
- Limit Dairy
- Limit Fruits Veggie to Fruit Ratio 3:1
- Limit Beef
- Limit Natural Sweeteners (honey, maple syrup, agave)
- Caffeine
- Bread
- Refined Oils (soybean, canola, sunflower)
- Refined Sugar
- Pastries, Cookies, Crackers
- Fast Food
- Processed Food
- Alcohol
- Fruit juices
What Nutritional Supplements Help?
- Fish Oil , Curcumin and Resveratrol for inflammation
- Vitamin D for immune regulation
- Vitamin E, Coq10 for oxidative stress
- Selenium, Chromium, Alpha Lipoic Acid for Insulin Resistance
- Probiotics for a Healthy Gut Flora
- Siberian Ginseng, Ashwaghanda, Rhodiola for Adrenals.
- Milk Thistle for Liver Support
What Other Factors Help With Metabolic Syndrome?
- Exercise: Minimum of 30 minutes a day. Research suggests that low to moderate intensity at least an hour per day will dramatically improve insulin sensitivity
- Sleep: We must strive for 8 hours per day. Keep it dark in the room, avoid electronics one hour prior to bed. Do not have your cell phone or router in the room.
- Meditation: Take time for yourself and practice self -guided imagery or mediation techniques to minimize stress response.
Can It Be Reversed?
Yes! Through diet, exercise and lifestyle modifications it is reversible. By following our recommendations we have been able to reverse metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. This will improve not only their symptoms, but their quality of life.
If you are suffering from any chronic disease or from chronic pain this is a fundamental step that must be addressed for improvement to take place.
If you would like additional information please call our office at 805 482-0723
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